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Martial Studies


Research is important for science and for combat. If you don’t know just the right fighting technique, you’re pretty sure someone else has published a thesis about it.

You gain proficiency in one martial melee and one martial ranged weapon.

Additionally, you can make limited use of tricks from the savant class (page 45). You learn two savant tricks—typically Committed Defense Aegis and Experimental Flourish—and can acquire other techniques in your travels.

You can use a bonus action to prepare a trick you know (like a savant). Once you have done so a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest .

If you are a savant with this feat, simply add the two tricks you picked to the list of tricks you know. You can prepare them as you would any other tricks.

You can also learn additional tricks by finding a copy of the thesis they wrote. If you have a copy of a thesis, when you complete a long rest you can replace one of the tricks you know with the trick detailed in the thesis. See Martial Scientist Theses (page 210) for a list of prominent theses and their associated tricks.