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Servant's Amulet

Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement; cost 5000 gp)
Crafting Components

Creator must be evil; eyes and heart from two different humanoids

This pewter talisman hangs from a simple silk cord. While you are attuned to and wearing this amulet, you gain the following immunities.

  • Divination spells cast by creatures other than the amulet’s creator.
  • The charmed , frightened , and rattled conditions.
  • Any effect that would read your emotions or thoughts (as the mind blank spell).

In addition, you can use a bonus action to teleport up to 100 feet to an unoccupied space you can see (minimum 10 feet). Once you have used this property to teleport a total of 400 feet, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest .

When the amulet’s creator dies it becomes an amulet of protection.

Cursed. You cannot remove this amulet until you are targeted by remove curse or similar magic. When you do so, the amulet teleports back to its creator and you make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or suffer 1d4+1 levels of strife .

In addition, when you attune to this amulet the creator may command that you keep their secrets. While you are on the same plane of existence as the amulet’s creator, they can telepathically communicate with you, give you commands (as the geas spell), and you are unable to share information about them through pantomime, speech, writing, or any other means unless they allow you to do so. When you are reduced to 0 hit points while wearing the amulet, you and all of your belongings are teleported back to the amulet’s creator.