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Power Level
Power Manifestation Time
30 ft. radius sphere centered on yourself
Saving Throw
Dexterity halves

A massive explosion of energy bursts from you in all directions, blasting everything within 30 feet. Choose an energy type when you first learn this power from fire, cold, thunder, or lightning. All creatures and objects within the area make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take 10d8 damage of the type you selected and are pushed 10 feet and knocked prone. On a success, they take half damage and are not pushed or knocked prone.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to use a different damage type than the type you chose, although it must still come from the above list; +2 psionic points to increase the area of effect to a 60 ft. radius sphere [requires power rating VI].