Hurrok Traits
All characters with hurroc heritage share the following traits:
Age. Hurrocs reach physical maturity at around 18–20 years of age and die of natural causes at around 150.
Size. Most hurroc have an imposing stature and stand between 6 and 7 feet tall and average about 250 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Lesser Darkvision. You have darkvision to 30 feet.
No Use For Doubt. You gain an expertise die on saving throws against fear effects.
Adrenal Burst. Hurroc can use their adrenaline to perform incredible feats of physical prowess. You can choose to gain advantage on any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check, attack roll, or death saving throw. Once you have done so, you cannot use this feature again until you have taken a short or long rest.
Hurroc Gifts
The hurrocs’ survival prowess does not present in only one form. Like all heritages, they are varied and adaptable, filling a wide range of roles across the cosmos. Choose one of the following gifts.
Adrenal Surge
The adrenal glands for which Hurroc are known are even more pronounced in your metabolism. You can use your Adrenal Burst feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between long rests. If you do not already have the Adrenal Burst trait, you gain the Adrenal Burst trait instead.
Deadly Horns
Your horns are particularly sharp and are considered to be natural weapons with which you are proficient. You can make a horn attack which does piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength bonus, and if your target is a creature of your Size or smaller it must make a Strength saving throw vs. your maneuver DC or be knocked prone.
The adrenaline which permeates your body lends you courage. You are immune to the frightened condition. Additionally, if you have the Adrenal Burst trait, can use a bonus action to use your Adrenal Burst feature to recover a number of hit points equal to three times your proficiency bonus.
While all hurroc are physically tenacious, you have a particularly tough physique and determined mindset that’s unusually difficult to harm. You gain the following traits:
Naturally Armored. While you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Diehard. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you are instead reduced to 1 hit point. You cannot use this trait again until you have taken a long rest.
Hurroc Paragon
The trials you encounter on your path to 10th level have made you one of the most impressive of your people. Choose one of the following paragon gifts.
Iron Core
Prerequisite: Resilient
Your adventures have made you one of the hardiest of your kind. You gain one additional hit point per level, as well as resistance to poison damage and an expertise die on saving throws against poison effects. Additionally, your Constitution score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Your tenacity and determination know no bounds. You are unaffected by difficult terrain, immune to the slowed condition, and your armor class increases by 1.
Relentless Pursuit
Like the greatest warriors and hunters of legend, your skill for pursuing your enemies knows little equal. Your base Speed increases by 10 feet. You gain both a climb speed and a swim speed equal to your base Speed. In addition, your dextrous grip means you can climb even on difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without having to make an ability check. Additionally, you gain an expertise die on Perception and Survival checks made to track.
Houseki Culture
Hurrocs are most often associated with militant cultures but they are more than just warriors. While hurrocs most often leave their planet of origin in vast armies, after the war and glory are won they are left to begin new families wherever their battles have ended. Even those not raised with such ethics often seek fulfillment in less traditional pursuits that still reward their hard-wired pugnacity, finding victory on virtual battlefields as hackers, in academia as single-minded researchers, or as (mostly) metaphorical raiders in corporate takeovers.
Suggested Cultures
The hurroc have traveled the cosmos as valued mercenaries, soldiers, diplomats, and even scholars and merchants. However, the following cultures are linked closely with this heritage: honorbound, imperium, militant, rebel.