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Across the vast expanses of space and time, those with a lust for power have often oppressed and subjugated others. The rebel culture represents those that have been raised not necessarily on a tyrannized planet, but in the midst of an active organization working towards liberation. What is a calling or vocation for some becomes the environment their children grow up in. Even at a young age, members of such organizations are expected to pull their own weight and sometimes even take dangerous risks for the cause. Rebel cultures could include the survivors of a destroyed world, frontier settlers resisting forced annexation by ruthless stellar corporations, or independent colony worlds fighting against occupation.

Such folk typically value pragmatism, collectivism, and self-sacrifice. Conflict and loss are a part of daily life. Practical skills are valued, while those with a less tangible benefit are often viewed as a waste of time. This perspective is often reinforced by a lack of formal education. As a result, those raised in rebel cultures often become soldiers, spies, smugglers, technicians, and diplomats. Rather than form their own settlements, some of these organizations are located within a capital city or other crucial location so that they can better strike at their enemies.

Some rebel organizations maintain traditional family groups, while others collectively raise children. Some eschew family identity altogether—an adaptation that insulates members from the emotional toll of constant loss. While rebels are nearly always portrayed as terrorists by their oppressors, the reality is often more nuanced. Some adhere to codes of conduct, while others will use any means necessary to achieve their ends.

In rare cases, a rebel culture might succeed in overthrowing their oppressor only to become the dominant power themselves, maintaining the traditions and training considered key to their success.

Characters raised in a rebel culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.

Beacon of Hope. Once per long rest, if you have inspiration, you can use your reaction to transfer it to another ally within 30 feet.

Born Fighter. Raised in near-constant conflict, you gain an expertise die to resist the frightened and rattled conditions. Additionally, you are proficient with pistols, rifles, and one martial melee weapon of your choice.

Versatile. Your people are adept at mastering skills necessary to survive. Choose two from Athletics, Science, Stealth, and Survival. You are proficient with the chosen skills as well as space vehicles or computers.

Languages. You can read, sign, speak, and write your native language, Common, and two other languages of your choice.