Packpipe petals
Plucked from rare flowers that bloom only during the winter solstice, these petals are shredded and preserved by magical means. When the prepared petals are blended with pipeleaf and smoked, imbibers experience feelings of joy, warmth, and relaxation second only to the insatiable hunger that follows.
Happy Go Lucky. Smoking a single dose of packpipe petals grants you a positive sense of inner peace for 1 hour. When you roll a natural 1 on an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. Your Supply requirement is doubled on a day you have smoked packpipe petals.
Overdose. After smoking 2 or more doses of packpipe petal in a single hour you make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + the number of doses taken) or become poisoned for 2 hours. On a critical failure you also suffer 2 levels of fatigue. On a critical success, the duration of the effect is increased by 1 hour per extra dose.