A deep purple when found growing in the wild (and quite poisonous if eaten fresh), these fantastical fungi turn dark brown when dehydrated and properly prepared for consumption. Often baked into sweet desserts and served at elegant soirées of the archfey nobles, shroomheads enhance sensory perception and emotional awareness to unnatural levels.
Emotive Insight. Consuming a single dose of shroomheads grants you a one-time ability to cast one divination spell of 2nd-level or lower that affects only yourself. The spell must be cast within 30 minutes of ingesting the dose.
Overdose. After ingesting 2 or more doses of shroomheads in a single hour you make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 10 + the number of doses taken) or become poisoned for the duration. On a critical failure, you suffer a level of fatigue and a level of strife. On a critical success, you gain one additional spell casting and an extra 30 minutes during which you may cast the spells.