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Alacritous Camera

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (cost 500 gp)
Crafting Components

A crystalog, a clear crystalline planarite made by directing the light from a telescope pointed at the planet Ascetia into a heated pressurized vessel filled with a solution of dissolved quartz.

This resembles a photochemical camera with a large alchemical flash hood, save that the interior contains a crystalog amid a complex assortment of arcanotechnological clockwork gears, wires, and spark plugs.

As an action, you can loudly snap a high-resolution, full-color photograph with this camera. It comes with an alchemical light bulb for flash photography, which the item’s magic replenishes after a minute. This is not a subtle process, due to the loud sounds of the machinery within that imprint the image into the crystalog.

This camera uses no plates. Rather, by concentrating on the crystalog you can see with your mind’s eye the images it has taken. It can store up to eight images at a time.

Over the course of 1 hour, which can be performed as part of a short rest, you can magically transfer and ink a photograph onto a suitably large sheet of paper, canvas, or similar surface. The input can also be copied into an asomatous canvas projector. If a light cantrip is targeted on the crystalog, that washes out the existing images, clearing it to take more pictures after one minute.

Though expensive and loud, these cameras are finding immense interest among the fields of entertainment, journalism, crime scene investigation, and espionage.