Autonomous Mechanical Carriage
Adamant flakes collected from an earth elemental in a silence spell.
Adamant and aether are wrought into a two-inch-diameter arctech disc reminiscent of a carriage’s wheel. The wealthy and the powerful use this bauble for intracity transportation when they worry of bullets flying from dangerous streets.
As an action, you can throw this disc onto the ground. It instantaneously and spectacularly assembles itself into a horseless carriage of darkwood, steel plate armor, magically hardened glass windows, and fine leather upholstery. Some versions of this figurine build complex arcanotechnological wheels, while others construct mechanical equine legs, which are just as effective.
The carriage can accommodate up to nine Medium passengers inside. While its windows are closed, creatures entirely inside the carriage have total cover. Outside of a combat encounter, the carriage can travel at up to 20 miles per hour, though the general lack of paved roadways outside of cities limits its range. The carriage navigates autonomously; it stops or swerves to avoid hazards, and follows simple telepathic directions.
While you are in the driver’s seat, you can use an action to manually direct the carriage or to make it attack. The carriage appears at full hit points and acts as a Huge animated object with AC 18, but will not attack unless you direct it to.
If no creatures or foreign objects are inside the carriage, any creature can use an action to touch the carriage and transform it back into a disc.