Vekeshi Blade +3
Understand the true nature of the Great Malice. Additionally, slay someone who fought in the Clergy’s holy war against Elfaivar that led to the Great Malice.
During the utter chaos of the Great Malice, Srasama’s six bright blades were mostly lost to history. Mostly. The Clergy retrieved and confiscated the First and Second Blades of Srasama, the pair representing her first aspect, the warrior-maiden; one famously lay in the Crypta Hereticarum, while the other is in the hands of Arch Secula Tiesa Machulas of the Ottoplismists. Eladrin soldiers likewise spirited away the Fifth Blade of Srasama, belonging to the pair symbolizing her third aspect, the crone of endings.
The vengeful crone-blade eventually made its way to the hands of the Vekeshi preservers, and from there, the Vekeshi mystics and who splintered away. The mystics remolded the artifact into a number of lesser weapons, with which they took up arms against the Elfaivaran slave trade. Later, the Vekeshi assassins claimed several of these weapons for their own fanatical missions against the Clergy’s hierarchs. The great oni slaver Hyakki Kijin of Shaha owns a few of these as trophies; Dhebisu, who commands many Vekeshi assassins as part of her cakar malam, is quite interested in killing the oni and recovering them.
Composed of deific fire that has been kindled for five centuries since the death of Srasama, this is a weapon of old grudges and assassination. You cannot attune to this item if you are an an unremorseful client or supporter of the Elfaivaran slave trade, or an earnest worshiper of any Clericist gods.
While you are attuned to it, the Vekeshi blade never detects as magical until you are reduced to 0 hit points. You can choose two melee weapons whenever you complete a long rest, and you can freely shift the weapon between those forms without spending an action. When you sheath the weapon, you can instead transform it into a minute pin or other piece of jewelry. You can restore the weapon by touching the pin.
You have a bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The bonus is determined by the weapon’s rarity. The bonus increases by 2 when you use the weapon to attack an unremorseful client or supporter of the Elfaivaran slave trade, an earnest worshiper of any Clericist gods, or a surprised creature.
While transformed into a melee weapon, the Vekeshi blade resembles an amorphous mass of red and gold flame. Each time you deal any bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage with this weapon, you can replace that damage with your choice of either fire or radiant damage.