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Candle of the Surreptitious Scholar

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (requires attunement; cost 150 gp)
Crafting Components

Wax harvested from bees fed lavender nectar

Initially crafted by wizard apprentices trying not to irritate their roommates, these candles became extremely popular with the thieves and other ne'er do wells that can afford them (helping some less scrupulous novice mages to afford tuition). The candle has 3 charges and regains 1d3 charges each dawn. 

When you speak the command word and use an action to expend 1 charge, the candle’s flame to spring to life. Its bluish flame provides clear illumination within 5 feet and dim light for another 5 feet. The enchantment of the candle is such that the light that it sheds is visible only to you, allowing you to read, write, or engage in other tasks with no penalties from darkness. Each charge is good for 1 hour of illumination, after which the candle winks out. 

By expending all 3 charges at once, you can create an effect identical to light except that only you are able to see the light it sheds.

If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a result of 5 or less, the candle loses its magic and becomes a mundane item.