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Efreeti Bottle

Wondrous Item, Very Rare (cost 20000 gp)
Crafting Components

Adamantine, brass ingots from the Plane of Fire

You can use an action to unstopper this intricately carved brass bottle, causing an efreeti to appear in a cloud of acrid smoke in an unoccupied space within 30 feet. When you open the bottle, roll to d100 to determine the effect.


Table: Efreeti Bottle

    d100     Effect
 01–10   The efreeti attacks you. The Efreeti departs after 5 rounds pass or losing half its hit points, whichever happens first, and the bottle becomes a mundane item.
11–90 The efreeti serves you for up to 1 hour before being drawn back into the bottle. The bottle cannot be opened again for 24 hours. This effect occurs automatically the second and third time the bottle is opened. The fourth time the bottle is opened, the efreeti vanishes and the bottle loses its enchantment.
91–100 The efreeti grants you 3 wishes (as the wish spell) then vanishes after an hour or after granting the final wish, and the bottle becomes a mundane item.