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Figurine of Shared Affliction

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (requires attunement; cost 500 gp)
Crafting Components

Needle used to suture at least a dozen major injuries

This small wooden figurine was crafted as a special totem used by a healer whose magic allowed him to absorb other people's afflictions into his own body. The item changes shape, taking on your rough appearance when you attune to it. While carrying the figurine on your person, you have advantage on the first Medicine check you make to treat a disease or poison. Only one creature per day can use the figurine in this manner. When you successfully treat an affliction, the figurine takes on a sickly visage as it absorbs the disease or poison. The figurine of shared affliction grants no benefits until it returns to its normal appearance at the end of your next long rest .

When you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to relive the last memory of the healer who created the totem, in which they gave their life to absorb a deadly illness that infected their kin. When this happens, for the next minute you have advantage on death saves. The figurine shows the effects of the attacks you’ve suffered in gruesome detail before reverting to a featureless wooden carving and forever losing its magic.