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Friendly Joybuzzer

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (requires attunement; cost 150 gp)
Crafting Components

Joyful tears cried from a successful practical joke

This tin ring houses a small circular device with a red button. You have advantage on Sleight of Hand checks made to hide the friendly joybuzzer. Once you are attuned to this magic item, whenever a creature presses the button (even inadvertently through a handshake) for the next minute it becomes happier and friendlier towards you. For the duration, you gain an expertise die on Charisma checks against the creature. If the creature sees the joybuzzer being used or recognizes it as a magical item, it immediately realizes that you used magic to influence its mood and may become hostile toward you. 

Alternatively, once you are attuned to this magic item, while you are shaking hands with a creature you can choose to destroy the friendly joybuzzer. Make a melee spell attack with advantage , using your highest mental ability score as your spellcasting ability score. On a successful hit, you target the creature as if you had cast shocking grasp , treating each damage die as if you had rolled the maximum amount.