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Third Eye

Third Eye

Concentration ()

You can see a specific place in your mind’s eye as if you were there in person. You can see what is going on but cannot hear sounds. As a bonus action, you can turn around up to 360°. As an action you can move your point of view up to your Speed.

Sense Presence

Sense Presence


You sense the presence of psionic creatures, and their psionic rating, within range of the power. You are not able to determine their direction or distance, merely that they are within range of the power; nor are you able to identify the subjects or gain any other information about them.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to increase the effect’s range to 1 mile [requires power rating III].

Sense Psionics

Sense Psionics

Concentration ()

You sense the presence of psychic energies and psionic activities within a 30-foot radius. You automatically know if there is a place or object that has been psychically altered or imbued with psychic energy, or if the area is the target of a clairsentience power. On the round you activate this feature and as an action on subsequent turns while concentrating on this effect, you may make an Arcana check against the passive Deception score of any creature within 30 feet that makes use of psionic abilities.




You learn a single piece of important information from an object you touch or a location you are in. The size of the location is at the discretion of the Narrator, but is usually not bigger than a single room.



Concentration ()

Attuning yourself with the environment, you gain a sense of the immediate future. You cannot determine specific events, but you do get a warning feeling when danger is imminent. You gain an expertise die on initiative checks.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to gain advantage on initiative checks.

Past Vision

Past Vision

Concentration ()

You attune with an object you can touch, or the immediate area surrounding you, and visualize events which have transpired within the last 24 hours. You become aware of anything which took place within 30 feet of the object, or within the 30-foot area affected by the power. While it takes you 10 minutes to fully realize the vision, you are able to speed through and pinpoint important events during the last 24 hours.



Concentration ()

You can see and hear a specific creature in your mind’s eye as if you were near it. Your point of view can be anywhere within 10 feet of the target and automatically follows the target as it moves. On a successful Wisdom saving throw, an unwilling target avoids your detection and you see nothing. If you know the target well or have in hand an object that has personal meaning to it, the target has disadvantage on its save. If you have never talked to or seen the target in person and only have vague descriptions of it, the target has advantage on its save.




You spend time aligning yourself with the collective unconscious of the universe and gain an intuition die. You can have only one intuition die at a time. You can spend the die to gain a d6 expertise die for a single ability check or saving throw for your choice of one ability score chosen at the time of manifestation. As a reaction, you can grant the expertise die to a creature within 120 feet that can see or hear you instead of using it yourself.

Future Vision

Future Vision


You use future knowledge to avoid an attack or other effect. As a reaction, after the effects of an attack, power, trap, or other event have been resolved, you can choose to avoid the effects of that event. This avoidance must be possible by the use of actions you are capable of which take one round or less to complete (you cannot dodge an attack while restrained, or move a mile to escape an orbital bombardment, for example) but it does not require any saving throw or ability check.




You consider the implications of a specific course of action that you intend to take within the next 30 minutes. The Narrator chooses from the following resulting sensations:

  • Reassuring Confidence (good results)
  • Sense of Dread (bad results)
  • Mixed Feelings (both good and bad results)
  • Nothing (results that aren’t especially good or bad)

Using this power again to gain intuition about the same course of action grants no additional insight as to its outcome.