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Third Eye

Power Level
Power Manifestation Time
Location familiar to you (a place visited or seen before) or an obvious and unfamiliar location (behind a door, around a corner, and so on)
Concentration ( )

You can see a specific place in your mind’s eye as if you were there in person. You can see what is going on but cannot hear sounds. As a bonus action, you can turn around up to 360°. As an action you can move your point of view up to your Speed.

Your presence in that place is undetectable by normal means and senses. A creature that can use psionics feels your presence if its passive Perception is greater than your psionics save DC. A creature able to see invisible things (from truesight, for instance) sees an indistinct, glowing silhouette of you. You know if you have been detected.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to hear as well as see; +3 psionic points to extend your range and target any location familiar to you regardless of distance [requires power rating V].