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Telekine Limbs

Telekine Limbs


Psychic energy flows out from your torso to form two psionic limbs that support and enhance your existing arms and legs. You choose what kind of psionic limbs this power grants when you manifest it.

Psionic Arm. You gain a climb speed equal to your Speed. In addition, on each of your turns you gain an expertise die to one of the following options for each psionic arm you possess: melee weapon attack roll, Strength check, Strength saving throw, melee weapon damage roll.

Surface Control

Surface Control


Every step you take is enabled by your force of will; the ground is psychically altered to suit your needs. For the duration you ignore difficult terrain. In addition, choose one of the following:

Melt. Your footsteps burn away ice or vegetation. Any cold- or plant-based difficult terrain in 5-foot squares through which you move is destroyed.

Skate. A patina of ice on your soles makes you quicker, increasing your Speed by 20 feet.




Using psionic energy you alter your body, changing your appearance. You cannot alter your heritage, but you can change your facial features, hair length and color, alter your height by as much as 2 feet, and appear to be much lighter or heavier than you really are.

In addition, you can end the power’s duration early to either stop a source of ongoing damage (such as a bleeding wound) or temporarily harden your limbs to gain an expertise die to unarmed strike damage.

Silent Passenger

Silent Passenger

Concentration ()

You psychically inhabit the corporeal body of another creature, perceiving all its thoughts, actions, and sensations as if they are your own. While in this state you are unaware of your own physical surroundings. A creature that fails its initial saving throw may make an additional saving throw every 15 minutes; on a success your presence is ejected and the creature is aware it was inhabited, though not by whom or for how long.

Psychic Barrier

Psychic Barrier

Concentration ()

You create a psychic barrier which blocks extrasensory intrusion. While the power remains active, no clairsentience power can view, sense, or detect the area covered.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to put the barrier in place for the duration of a long rest [requires power rating IV].



Concentration ()

Attuning yourself with the environment, you gain a sense of the immediate future. You cannot determine specific events, but you do get a warning feeling when danger is imminent. You gain an expertise die on initiative checks.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to gain advantage on initiative checks.



Concentration ()

You create an illusory image in the target’s mind that appears completely real. The illusion includes sounds, smells, and temperature in addition to visual phenomena. None of the effects of the illusion are able to cause actual harm. While within range you can use an action to move the illusion. As the image moves you may also change its appearance to make the movement seem natural (like a bird moving its wings to fly) and also change the nonvisual elements of the illusion for the same reason (like the sound of beating wings as the bird flies).

Make Energy Mote

Make Energy Mote


A mote of energy is imbued with your psychic power, manifesting into being and gaining a slice of your sentience to do your bidding. The energy mote is formed from a type of energy chosen when you manifest this power: fire, force, lightning, psychic, or thunder. When it is created, you give the energy mote a single command (such as to go to a specific location and explode, or to watch for the arrival of a creature then report back to you) which it follows to the best of its ability.



Concentration ()

Your movements are like flowing water. Your Armor Class increases by 2. You can spend 5 feet of movement to escape from restraints or grapples. Your movement and attacks aren’t penalized from squeezing or being underwater.



Concentration ()

You hover at a height of up to 30 feet. You can maintain your levitation as long as you concentrate. Your levitation ends if you become unconscious. When the power’s effect ends, you fall if you are off the ground. You can target one additional creature for each power rating you have gained above II.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point for you and any additional targets to float down gently for up to 30 feet when the duration ends.