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Sense Presence

Sense Presence


You sense the presence of psionic creatures, and their psionic rating, within range of the power. You are not able to determine their direction or distance, merely that they are within range of the power; nor are you able to identify the subjects or gain any other information about them.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to increase the effect’s range to 1 mile [requires power rating III].

Radiate Inertia

Radiate Inertia

Concentration ()

You reach out to everything that does not have a mind and immediately bring the world around you to a rapid stop. Objects of Huge size or smaller within range become fixed in place. Unlike held weapons and other attended items, worn items (like clothing and armor) are unaffected. Any creature can use an action to try and move an object fixed in place by making a Strength saving throw with disadvantage, ending your concentration on a success.



Concentration ()

You create a portal through space to a location you can see within range. While the portal remains in place, any creatures or objects of Large size or smaller can pass through it in either direction, appearing at the other end of the portal.



Concentration ()

The target makes a manifesting ability saving throw or its thoughts turn inward upon itself creating an internal reality from which it cannot easily escape. If it does not have the ability to use psionic power, it rolls an Intelligence saving throw with disadvantage.

Horrifying Hallucination

Horrifying Hallucination

Concentration ()

You tap into the mind of the target to create a fearsome illusion so complete it can cause psychic harm. Only the target can see this illusion. When you manifest this power and at the end of each of its turns, the target makes a Wisdom saving throw.

On a failed save the target takes 2d10 psychic damage as you manifest one of the following (the effect persists for the duration unless you use a reaction to choose another):



Concentration ()

Mundane objects (like rope, vines, blankets, or loose clothing) in a 20-foot square area centered on the target begin writhing and undulating like living creatures. For the duration of the power’s effect, the area is difficult terrain.

A creature in the area when you manifest this power makes a Strength saving throw or becomes restrained as the objects wrap around it. A restrained creature can use its action to make a Strength check against your psionics save DC, freeing itself on a success.

When the power ends, the objects drop harmlessly to the ground.

Fortress of Iron Will

Fortress of Iron Will


You can exert your will to manifest a floating safehouse to guard you and those under your protection. The structure counts as a haven and can take any form you imagine (such as a building, garden, spaceship, or the like) that comfortably accommodates 4 Medium creatures and 1 Large creature. The structure occupies a physical space with up to 200 square feet of floor space. Creatures within the safehouse cannot be targeted by a psionic or other supernatural attack.



Concentration ()

You can covertly communicate simple concepts with the target via basic emotions, without needing to share a language. You are not able to convey complex ideas via this reflex.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point per creature to affect up to 3 targets; +1 psionic point to increase the duration to 1 hour [requires power rating III].



Concentration ()

Choose a location within range which you have been to before. For the duration of the power, you are able to hear the events in that location as though you were there.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to increase the range of this power to 1 mile.

Borrowed Senses

Borrowed Senses

Concentration ()

You form a telepathic bond with the target and are able to sense the world through its senses while it is within 120 feet of you. As long as it is within this range, you can use an action to see, hear, feel, smell, or taste the world through one of its senses until the beginning of your next turn, gaining the benefit of any special senses it has. During this time, you are blind and deaf to your body’s surroundings. As a bonus action, you may switch which of the target’s senses you are borrowing.