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Concentration ()

The target gains one of the following benefits, chosen when you manifest this power:

Lungs. The target doubles the amount of time it can hold its breath.

Gut. The target has advantage on saving throws made against poison.

Skin. The target’s AC increases by 1.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point per creature to affect up to 4 targets [requires power rating equal to the total number of creatures affected].

Alter Matter

Alter Matter


You touch one unattended nonliving object no bigger than a 10-foot cube causing it to spontaneously rematerialize as a different object or the same object made of a different material. In either case, the new object has the same mass (though not necessarily size) and similar or lesser monetary value as the original. It can resemble an object you have seen before but cannot have complex moving parts or technological capability, such as a working firearm, credit chit, or computer.