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The Business of Emotion: Odds and Ends

The following information will help the Narrator run the adventure.

Detect Magic

Should the adventurers cast detect magic while within 30 feet of the River Trom, they find the river itself radiates magic of the enchantment school.

Interacting With The Water

At several points throughout the adventure, whether through drinking beer in the village or falling into the river while fighting in the cave, the  PCs may come into contact with the enchanted water from the Trom.

The effects of the potion build with exposure and should be tracked for each PC. A minor exposure (drinking, washing, etc.) adds one point, while a severe exposure (falling into the river, etc.) adds three points. This effect wears off after 1d6 days of not being exposed to the water.

Exposure Tracking

1 (Slight): A wave of peacefulness and confidence washes over the PC. At all exposure levels, the PC has advantage on Charisma checks.

2-3 (Low): The affected PC immediately favors the first person of any gender they see after reaching this level of exposure. The PC compulsively does minor things to try to gain the favored person’s attention.

4-5 (Medium): Gaining the attention of his or her favored person is now the PC’s primary concern. The PC behaves as though affected by a charm person spell cast by the favored person and will act irrationally to justify their actions.

6+ (High): The PC is spellbound. If his or her favored person says “jump,” the PC will ask “how high, my love?” If the PC’s favored person provides a simple instruction (“attack that creature,” “run over there”), the PC must make a DC 13 Wisdom save; if the PC fails this save, they must act as instructed, as per the suggestion spell. If the PC succeeds on the save, he or she may act freely this time, but the spellbound effect remains.

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