The Business of Emotion: The People of Lanidor
Unless otherwise noted, the villagers of Lanidor use commoner statistics.
Emilia Fulton, Human Housewife (estranged)
A petite and very attractive young woman. As “dainty” as it comes in an agricultural town like Lanidor, although she could still probably crack walnuts with her bare hands. Will begin flirting with a random PC present at the bar, or whoever speaks to her first. Has a tawdry, small voice; a listener can almost hear her eyelashes fluttering.
Francine Dunwit, Human Barmaid
A densely built woman, she looks like she could heft two bales of hay in her broad arms just as easily as she could a half dozen tankards of ale. Assumes that any present PCs are “paired” and treats them as such. If there are any “spare” (unevenly matched) PCs, assumes they’re still looking. Sounds like a plain-talkin’ country woman, don’tchaknow. Francine is married to Markus Dunwit.
Graben Turnbull, Dwarf Innkeeper
An old dwarf, hunched and not much for adventuring. Arthritic and pudgy around the middle, “fast” isn’t a word many would use to describe him. Graben was once a notable miner, but he was banished from his clan when, to his eternal shame, a mine he dug caved in part of an ancient dwarven burial ground. He has since settled in Lanidor and established the inn, The Glossy Bedpost.
An opportunistic profiteer, unaffected by the potion due to his dwarven resilience, Graven remains very private. He sounds like a gravelly old western prospector—his speech is marked with many “um’s” or “er’s” like a lumbering stutter.
Hermia, Fey Witch
While disguised, Hermia ( a witch ) appears to be a wild but physically attractive hermit. In her true form she has dark green, warty skin and stands hunchbacked, her arms stretching to unnatural length and ending in clawed fingers. Though she is a hermit that lives far outside of town, Hermia willingly assists those foolish enough to seek her aid, but invariably twists their greed to further her magical experiments.
Years ago Hermia betrayed her coven, leading to her exile and the loss of most of her power. A shadow of her former glory, she will play herself off as a tragic figure to appear sympathetic. When in disguise, Hermia sounds like a sultry nature spirit. In her true form, she sounds like a gravel-throated, bitter old lady.

Markus Dunwit, Human Carpenter
A remarkably wide thug , as solid as the wooden bar upon which he’s leaning. Currently smitten with his new love, Emilia Fulton, despite the fact that his wife Francine Dunwit stands across the bar. Will begin a fight with the PCs, involving four other men nearby, if a character returns Emilia’s advances. Has a booming, strong voice.
Two-lips Thistlestrip, Gnome Flower Farmer
A portly, graying gnome noble with shifty eyes and a furrowed brow. The occasional glint of greed still flickers across his face with a crooked smile. Two-lips would sell his own mother if the price was right, and was kept at arms’ length by most of the other gnomes in his home village. His one true skill (aside from fatting his own pockets) was his green thumb.
When it came time to leave the gnome village (after all but robbing it blind) he decided to try his hand at “an honest living” and started a farm on the outskirts of Lanidor. Two-lips is greedy, but not callous. He is confident even in defeat, but extremely paranoid. Two-lips gesticulates wildly with his hands as he speaks, and sounds like a fast talking aggressive salesman.