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Memories of Holdenshire: Fallen Hero

Once the party collects all the items Belton requested, they can find him waiting behind the Thrifty Griffon (Area B). When they reconvene the halfling tosses them each a heavy cloak to hide themselves, but while they change they hear a commotion coming from further south at the secret door (Area A). Read or paraphrase the following:

You hear an angered scream through the cluttered alleyway of Redwall and see several town guards clustered around the secret entrance you emerged from not long ago. A man dressed in armor trailing a bright red cape emerges from the catacombs wailing and clutching the body of Annika Crestveil. You can hear him scream, "Sister! I swear I'll avenge you! I'll tear those bloody cultists limb from limb!"

At this point Belton hurriedly says, "whelp, time to go. Meet me on the east side past Tinbellow's in five, I'll pull the wagon around."

Time To Go

True to his word, Belton arrives at the east side in his wagon pulled by his horse Rummynose. The vehicle is loaded up with 30 bedrolls and he implores the adventurers to hide in the wagon amongst them. Belton explains that he had planned on sewing snuff into the bedrolls, but they'll hide people just as well.

Once the PCs hide in the wagon, read or paraphrase the following:

Concealed amidst bedrolls and darkness, the wagon begins tenuously rattling along the cobblestone leaving you with only your hushed breath and the tenseness of your thoughts. A few minutes pass until the wheels roll to a slow stop as you hear a gruff voice say, "hey there Belton—leaving town a bit early for you eh?"

Your halfling driver replies, "ah, had a good deal on these bedrolls, you know how it is. By the way I snagged you some of that yewclaw."

"Yer a saint there Belton. Can't keep awake with these shifts otherwise. But that said, I can't pass ya along, not with them cultists. Gotta check every wagon, captain's orders."

Belton sounds as comforting and smooth as silk as he responds, "really sad to hear that friend," before snapping the reins and driving the wagon forward! After just a moment of shouts and thuds he yells backwards, "could use a hand here!"

You emerge from hiding to find Belton nursing a guard's spear sticking from his leg, the wagon hurtling at full tilt, and several guards on horseback giving chase! "Take the reins!"

There are 4 guards  mounted on riding horses  chasing the wagon and attempting to attack the driver, any passengers that fight back, or failing that the wagon itself. There are clearly more guards on foot rushing out from the city gates so standing and fighting is not a viable option. If the party chooses to stop and fight, 1d4 guards  on foot join the fray at initiative count 20 of every round.


Size Huge; Weight 1,300 lbs; AC 12; Hit Points 80; Crew 1; Supply 80; Drawn

See the rules for driving vehicles.

Roll Initiative!

Just like ability checks using skills in Level Up, rolling for initiative is not tied to just a single ability score. Dexterity is a common score used to react the fastest, but in Level Up any ability checks and even skills might play a part depending on the situation and how the Narrator rules it. For example, for an encounter focused on the progress of an arcane ritual the initiative check may be an Intelligence (Arcana) check, or a Strength (Athletics) check for an encounter taking place while the combatants are climbing a treacherous cliff.

In this case, the adventurers and guards are making Wisdom (Perception) checks because they're relying on their perceptions of what's going on outside to know the right time to emerge and reveal themselves (or in the case of the guards , to notice that Belton is not traveling alone).

Belton begins this encounter bandaging a wound and he passes off control of the wagon to whichever adventurer rolled highest on the Wisdom (Perception) check made to determine initiative and begin the encounter.

Each guard continues fighting until killed, knocked off their horse, or separated from the wagon by at least 120 feet. A horse made riderless bolts and makes its way back to Northminster.

<= Memories of Holdenshire | A Brief Respite =>