Ballistics is a science. Angle, velocity, force—all these can be calculated and refined for the perfect shot. Medicine is likewise a science. Arteries, ligaments, organs—damage to these in varying intensities cause readily-measured negative consequences to the injured party. Similarly the kinetics of motion, the materials science of armor and weapon, even the nascent study of psychology and sociology all can lend understanding to the complex system that is a battle.
As a polyhistor you are well-learned, versed in an expansive list of sciences, all with a focus on their relation to warfare and combat. Using your diverse knowledge and your keen intellect you can compose at a moment’s notice the ideal method of attack for any situation. Of course, sometimes an immediate attack is not optimal. Better perhaps to observe a foe’s patterns, and to let him leave an opening you can exploit
Prerequisite: At least one savant level or Martial Studies feat, proficient in Culture, character level 7th; must have contacts with a college, university, or military academy.
Hit Dice: 1d10 per polyhistor level.
Hit Points: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per polyhistor level.
Studied Proficiency
You are proficient in all weapons. For your Martial Studies feat, you can prepare two techniques after you complete a long rest , but one must be either experimental strike or committee defense.
Combat Focus
At the end of your turn, if in the past round you took a hostile action against a foe, a foe took hostile action against you, or you witnessed a foe taking or receiving hostile action, you gain 1 focus, to a maximum of five. Whenever five minutes pass without you gaining any focus, your focus resets to however many levels you have in this prestige class (1, 2, or 3).
You can use focus to temporarily access combat feats and gain other benefits.
Adaptive Style
You have learned a diverse set of fighting styles, and while you are master of none, as you gain insight into a battle you can discern moments where such techniques could be useful.
During your turn, you can spend 1 focus to gain the benefits of a combat feat. You must meet any prerequisites, and the feat must provide some benefit during combat and not provide an ability score increase. Whether a feat qualifies is at the Narrator’s discretion.
(If you’re playing Level Up, consider that you can use this ability to temporarily acquire new combat maneuvers via the feat Martial Scholar.)
You can gain access to up to two bonus feats this way at a time, which last until the end of combat, to a maximum of five minutes.
Inner Defenses
You have devised techniques to recognize mental threats and divert them. Whenever you need to make a saving throw , you can spend 1 focus to become proficient in that type of save until the end of the combat (to a maximum of five minutes).
Perfect Aim
If you have advantage on an attack roll and you hit with both attack rolls , you can spend 2 focus to treat the attack as a critical hit.
Cunning Defense
You can anticipate your enemy’s moves, plotting out strikes, parries, and ripostes like gambits on a chessboard. You can replace your Dexterity modifier with your proficiency bonus when calculating your Armor Class.
It is mentally exhausting, but you can use your considerable intellect to compose the perfect attack amidst the seeming randomness of battle. As an action, you can study the battlefield. Then until the end of your next turn you have advantage on all attack rolls, and if the unmodified die roll of an attack you make is 12 or lower, treat it as if you had rolled a natural 13. Additionally until the end of your next turn, your polyhistor abilities do not cost focus to use.
After you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest .