Even in a densely populated galaxy teeming with space travelers, many worlds exist which have not yet joined that stellar community. Some may not even know that life even exists beyond their own horizon, while others may have been visited by life from beyond the stars–even if they don’t realize it.
Pre-industrial cultures are characterized by a lack of machines, limited production, and agricultural economies. Some are little more than simple villages and collections of farms; others may boast cities and palaces–these societies range from humble groups of hunter-gatherers to renaissance-era civilizations. Feudal governments and monarchies are common in such societies, but other forms of leadership can be found, including theocracies, republics, and other more unusual arrangements.
When a character hails from such a society, the wonders of voidrunning may be overwhelming at first, but many folk adapt and embrace their new life, and throw themselves into adventure with wild abandon.
Characters raised in a pre-industrial culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.
Rural Life. You are proficient in Animal Handling, Nature, and Survival. Additionally, you are proficient in your choice of an artisan's tool, a musical instrument, or smith’s tools.
Simple Cooking. You gain an expertise die on saving throws made to resist the effects of poisons.
Temporary Expert. You pick up new skills quickly. Each time you gain a level, you may choose to lose proficiency in one skill or tool and gain proficiency in a different skill or tool in its place. You cannot trade a skill proficiency for a tool proficiency, and vice versa.
Weather Sense. After observing an area for 1 minute, you can predict the weather in this terrain within the next 24 hours. You cannot foresee non-natural changes, but you can use an action to make an Insight or Perception check to notice them.
Languages. You can read, sign, speak, and write Common and one other language.