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Natives of the Elemental Plane of Fire, salamanders are sinuous, snake-like beings with glowing yellow eyes and beaked faces. On their home plane, they are stern mercenaries and joyless crafters, but salamanders let loose on the Material Plane become giddy and playful.

Size Equals Status. Salamanders increase in size as the age, with the largest ruling as domineering tyrants. They relish wielding power over creatures smaller than them, and serve larger creatures resentfully. Salamanders begin life as two-foot-diameter, obsidian-shelled eggs, which their parents abandon in magma pools to gestate. Salamander nymphs, also known as fire snakes, are wild and independent of salamander society. If a nymph survives its first year, it matures into an adult, and finally joins the lowest ranks of salamander society.

Living Forges. Salamanders generate intense heat, burning anything within close proximity. Salamanders are able to heat and shape metal with their bare hands, and those that dedicate themselves to metalcraft count themselves among the finest smiths in the multiverse.