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Not every world is a sparkling jewel of dazzling skylines and dizzying society galas, filled with elites and the underclass that supports them and supported by shipyards and places of great commerce. Sometimes it’s because the world has so little to offer; others times what the world had to offer has already been taken. Whatever the case, there are backwaters.

Most citizens of backwaters spend their lives scrounging and scavenging to make a few credits while the void hangs over their heads, shining in the night and tantalizingly out of reach. A lot of backwater brats spend their time trying to gather the parts of a ship or the creds to at least buy a ticket off their rock. Some even make it.

Spaceports and criminal enclaves are the only place to really find excitement on a backwater— or a valuable job. There are far more credits to be had working a counter at the spaceport as a facilitator than scavenging, while running messages and merchandise pays even more—if one is smart and fast enough to stay a step ahead of the law.

But whether they’re running, or scrounging, or kissing up to tourists, the goal for would-be voidrunners is getting off this rock and seeing what is out there to see. Because until then they’re stuck, hanging out with childhood friends, doing odd jobs, and staring up at the stars when everyone around them is looking at the ground.

Characters raised in the backwater culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.

Blastin’ Rats. You gain proficiency with rifles and land vehicles and gain an expertise die on checks to repair them, even if you do not have the appropriate tools.

Eye for Parts. Whether you’re at a spaceport, on a space station, or visiting an alien world, you know how to find parts and components for ships, weapons, and armor, as well as where to get the right parts at the right price. So long as you have two hours to work through junk yards and consignment shops, you can get almost any part or material component for 15% below market value.

Tightened Belt. On backwater worlds supplies can be scarce. You can go a number of days equal to half your Constitution modifier without suffering any fatigue from lack of Supply.

Versatile Skill. Living in a lonely world where the population tends to be very condensed into pockets of civilization means you often need to be self-sufficient just to make it through the day. You gain proficiency in Survival and one other skill of your choice.

Languages. You can read, sign, speak, and write Common and one other language.