A rustic society is usually so by choice. It emphasizes nature and natural aesthetics over technology, embracing the world around them and seeking to preserve it. Such communities may live in caves, treehouses, or wooden cabins, and while technology may be used where necessary, it is often eschewed or discouraged. However, it would be a mistake to believe these people are less ‘advanced’ than others, and when needed they are as at home amongst the stars as anybody else.
Characters raised in a rustic culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.
Natural Movement. You gain your choice of either a climb speed or a swim speed equal to your base Speed.
Hidden Technology. You are adept at making technology blend into the surroundings. You can hide a number of items equal to your proficiency modifier which you are carrying and which each weigh 5 pounds or less about your person; these items will not be noticed unless you are searched, in which case the searcher must make an Investigation check opposed by your Sleight of Hand check to discover them.
Outdoor Living. You have proficiency in Survival and Nature, and one set of tools.
Languages. You can read, sign, speak, and write Common and one other language.