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Not all galactic civilizations are oppressive empires or backwater desert planets. Unions, federations, and republics often arise as peaceful worlds join together for the betterment of all. While such cultures are not perfect, they do aspire to represent the best that they can be. Usually democratic, defensively strong but without expansionist drives, union societies generally provide for their members, and most people have their needs met, their education provided, and are accustomed to good healthcare, reliable infrastructure, and fair policing. Some regard this as the goal of all civilizations–while it may not quite be a utopia, it is perhaps the closest a galactic society can achieve.

Unions can range in size from a single planet or two to entire galactic civilizations which encompass thousands of worlds. Bureaucracy can be a high overhead in larger unions, and progress can be slow, but most folk are relatively content. That’s not to say there are not exceptions–poor worlds sometimes slip through the net, criminals take advantage of the opportunities such a culture provides, and politicians can be opportunistic and self-centered–but at least the union’s shared ideals remain intact.

Characters raised in a union culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.

Broad Education. Your education was thorough and broad. You gain proficiency in two of the following: History, Nature, Religion, or computers.

Diverse Worlds. Accustomed to meeting beings from other worlds, you are proficient in Culture.

Good Healthcare. You had ready access to excellent healthcare. Your hit point maximum increases by one hit point per character level and you gain an expertise die when making saving throws against an illness or disease.

Languages. You can read, sign, speak, and write Common and one other language.