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Voidrunner's Codex Journeys

Land-based journeys happen in the future and on alien worlds just as much as they do back home. The regions in Trials and Treasures are applicable to strange planets, whether the voidrunners be crossing Lofty Mountains or wading through an Unrelenting Marsh. Similarly, the journey activities available to characters in Trials and Treasures are relevant anywhere.

For encounters suited to a science-fiction setting, see  Sci-Fi Journey Encounters.

Mounts. A mount can only travel at gallop speed for 1 hour each day. Otherwise it travels at the fast/mounted pace.

Vehicles. Pre-industrial vehicles are unable to go faster than a slow pace, but motorized vehicles and more advanced vehicles move at the Vehicle pace in Table: Travel Pace.

Aircraft. Aircraft and starfighters move at the Aircraft pace in Table: Travel Pace.

Water Vehicles. Water vehicles are restricted by the speed of the vehicle and gain no benefits from a slow pace, but have no penalties for moving at a fast pace. Depending on the vehicle and crew size, a ship can travel up to 24 hours a day.

Table: Travel Pace


Minute Hour Day Effect


50 feet 1/2 mile 4 miles Advantage on Survival checks to cover tracks


200 feet 2 miles 16 miles -


300 feet 3 miles 24 miles Unable to use Stealth
Fast/mounted 400 feet 4 miles 32 miles

–5 penalty to passive Perception and disadvantage on Perception checks


800 feet 8 miles* - Disadvantage on Survival checks to track
Vehicle 3,000 feet 40 miles 320 miles  
Aircraft 2 miles 125 miles 1,000 miles  


* A mount can only travel at gallop speed for 1 hour each day. Otherwise it travels at the fast/mounted pace.