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Voidrunner's Codex Travel Scenery

The universe is a wondrous place and across their journeys the voidrunners are bound to see some things that are interesting or extraordinary yet pose no threat or danger. Narrators can use this scenery to heighten the sense of adventure and mystery, introduce new quests, or tweak them to help guide a wayward party back to an important task they’ve left unfinished.

For travel scenery from Trials & Treasures:
Try the Travel Scenery Tool! 

Travel Scenery (d100)

1 An ancient monolith, smooth and black like marble. It seems impervious to all damage.

2 A copse of bioluminescent trees, whose colors change in response to sounds.

3 A swarm of luminescent insects which swirls in mesmerizing, colorful patterns.

4 A geothermal spring with water that changes color based on the temperature.

5 Melodic winds which whisper through the surrounding scenery, creating eerie but beautiful music.

6 A field being farmed by a group of autonomous farming robots.

7 A large digital billboard projecting advertisements and news. It informs the voidrunners of something of interest to them.

8 A column of automated taxis moving slowly along the road.

9 A holographic street performer, juggling fire.

10 A holo-pet–a dog, cat, or small alien.

11 An interactive wall mural featuring street art which changes constantly.

12 Unusual looking graffiti showing some kind of symbol.

13 A crashed starship. It looks like it’s been there for years, now overgrown with vegetation.

14 A crashed starship. There’s still smoke–it crashed recently.

15 An amphitheater carved into a mountainside, designed with perfect acoustics. When the wind blows through it, faint echoes of ancient performances can be heard.

16 A ruined observatory with a large, damaged telescope and star maps etched into the walls. It shows a sophisticated understanding of astronomy.

17 A circular arrangement of colossal stone pillars, each inscribed with unknown symbols and positioned to align with specific astronomical events.

18 Large earthen mounds containing tombs of ancient alien leaders, covered with hieroglyphics depicting their lives and achievements.

19 Large stones covered with glowing runes scattered across the landscape, possibly used as markers or for mystical purposes by the ancient civilization.

20 Stunning auroras caused by the planet’s strong magnetic field, with vibrant colors and dynamic shapes that dance across the sky, visible even during the day.

21 Fog that emits a soft, ambient glow, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. This phenomenon often occurs in areas with high concentrations of bioluminescent microorganisms.

22 Rain that crystallizes upon contact with the ground, forming beautiful, intricate patterns of crystalline structures that shimmer in the light.

23 A waterfall that is perpetually frozen in time, with ice that glows softly from within due to unique mineral properties.

24 Rocks that slowly move and grow over time, sometimes forming new shapes or merging with others, suggesting a form of geological life.

25 A large swathe of land blackened and charred from intense heat or energy weapons, with the remnants of structures and vehicles scattered throughout.

26 Wreckages of advanced starships and fighter craft littering the ground, some still smoldering or emitting faint signals, indicating recent aerial battles.

27 Extensive networks of trenches and fortifications, hastily dug and now deserted, filled with discarded equipment and supplies.

28 A small settlement reduced to ruins, with homes and buildings partially collapsed or burnt, showing signs of hasty evacuation and fierce fighting.

29 Open fields dotted with large craters from explosions, with debris and fragments of weapons or armor scattered around, testifying to intense bombardment.

30 An area where all electronic devices and vehicles are non-functional, affected by recent electromagnetic pulse attacks, leaving machinery and robots frozen in place.

31 Monuments and statues defaced or destroyed in a conflict, symbolizing both cultural loss and the rage of warfare.

32 Streets and paths blocked by hastily constructed barricades made from debris, vehicles, and whatever materials were available, indicating desperate defensive efforts.

33 Sculptures that seem to defy gravity, hovering in the air or balanced on impossibly small points of contact, creating a sense of wonder and disbelief.

34 A small urban oasis with plants genetically modified to thrive in the city environment, featuring unique colors and patterns that stand out amidst the concrete jungle.

35 The body of a giant, hundred-foot tall robot, overgrown with weeds.

36 A flock of alien-looking birds with bright colors wheeling in the air.

37 A tree decorated with the skulls of some kind of alien species.

38 Distant flashes and booms, the signs of a far-off conflict.

39 Flashes of light in the sky, the signs of an orbital conflict.

40 A seemingly bottomless pit.

41 A meticulously cultivated garden full of exotic alien plants.

42 A mysterious metal archway; it was clearly once a technological device but it no longer works.

43 A petrified forest, where all the trees are made of stone.

44 A distant spire stretching impossibly high into the sky.

45 Fragments of pottery, tools, or sculptures from a long-lost civilization.

46 Small chunks of rock from space, possibly containing rare minerals or elements. They have a charred exterior and a metallic sheen.

47 Small, cylindrical devices are scattered on the ground. They could contain maps, logs, or messages from the planet’s inhabitants or visitors.

48 The remains of alien mollusks or crustaceans, with shells that have intricate patterns and iridescent surfaces.

49 Large, flat leaves with glowing veins running through them. These leaves might have medicinal properties or be used in local cuisine or rituals.

50 A shimmering, multifaceted natural crystal structure.

51 Small, discarded playthings from an alien culture, possibly resembling animals, vehicles, or abstract shapes.

52 The discarded exoskeletons of giant alien insects, with intricate patterns and durable, chitinous structures.

53 An energy vortex swirling high in the atmosphere.

54 An abandoned alien market with stalls and remnants of various goods.

55 Strange metallic orbs that float a few inches above the ground and emit a faint hum.

56 An ancient sundial that aligns with multiple celestial bodies.

57 A small, portable shrine with offerings from an unknown religion.

58 A collection of bones from various alien species, arranged in a deliberate pattern.

59 Alien fruit that emits a sweet fragrance and glows faintly.

60 Fragments of an alien flag or banner, tattered and faded.

61 A grove of trees with bark that resembles polished metal.

62 A cluster of alien eggs, some of which are beginning to hatch.

63 An alien painting depicting a scene from the planet’s history.

64 An old, rusted machine partially buried in the ground.

65 Alien hieroglyphs etched into the rock face of a cliff.

66 Alien fossils embedded in a rock formation.

67 A stone well filled with a shimmering, unknown liquid.

68 An ancient alien tomb, half-buried and overgrown with vegetation.

69 A large metallic sphere, about 4 feet across, perfectly smooth. It’s function is unknown.

70 A patch of flowers that open and close in response to nearby movement.

71 An expensive, luxurious space yacht guarded by a sole robot.

72 A solar flare which causes wondrous aurora in the sky.

73 An intense plasma storm with lightning bolts which illuminate the sky.

74 Rain made of tiny crystalline particles which shimmer as they fall, refracting light into dazzling rainbows.

75 A temporal thunderstorm which disorients travelers with brief time skips and moments of slow-motion.

76 Electrically charged hailstones which spark and crackle as they fall.

77 A shooting star which grows quickly closer, crashing to the ground as a meteorite nearby.

78 A dense fog imbued with a bright, unusual color.

79 The burned-out remains of a robot, its circuits clearly fried, blaster fire scorching its body.

80 A smoking crater, hundreds of feet across. What could have crashed here?

81 An errant automated piece of farm machinery, wandering on its own down the road.

82 A malfunctioning combat drone hovering 5 feet in the air, sparks shooting from its damaged body.

83 An area of ground which has been superheated and now resembles glass.

84 A giant symbol scorched into the ground across the width of a large field.

85 A small, robotic chicken.

86 A holographic message on loop, repeating a warning over and over.

87 An empty escape pod.

88 An escape pod containing a small child, perhaps two years old.

89 A corpse with a visible blaster burn in its chest.

90 A half-dozen spotlights in the distance, probing the sky.

91 A crudely made sign with a helmet atop it, the words ‘Keep Away” spray painted on to it.

92 A herd of large alien bovines wandering across the landscape.

93 A bonfire upon which has been thrown the armor of a number of soldiers.

94 The skeleton of a void dragon, hundreds of feet long.

95 A graveyard, with 24 unnamed graves lined neatly in 4 rows of 6.

96 A 30-foot long tusk.

97 A probe. It has been blasted, and lies broken on the ground. Its origins are mysterious.

98 An ancient stone bridge, full of holes. The holes have been replaced by glowing forcefields.

99 A series of interconnected, shimmering pools that contain the collective memories of the planet’s inhabitants. When touched, the water reveals glimpses of the past.

100 A vast, bioluminescent botanical garden where every plant and tree glows with a different color, creating a breathtaking, everchanging landscape of light and shadow.