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The vicinity of a black hole is a strange place. Just like stars, black holes can have planets– entire systems–orbiting them, and civilizations can rise on some of these worlds. However, the effects of the black hole make these cultures a little different. Visitors to those worlds often suffer hallucinations, their sleep disturbed by nightmares, but those native to such regions have adapted.

People from a warped culture can often seem unnerving to others. They talk with strange cadences, and sometimes seem to address people who aren’t there. They have odd mannerisms, and can twitch unnervingly, seemingly at random. The warped claim they can see ghosts, but it is debatable whether these are real or some kind of shared hallucination.

Characters raised in a virtual culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.

Mindwarps. Nobody quite understands how warped minds work. Creatures attempting to make Intimidation or Persuasion checks vs. a creature from a warped culture do so at disadvantage.

Ghostly Allies. The ghosts which the warped interact with are able to impart information. You may ask the Narrator one yes/no question, which they will answer truthfully. Once you have used this feature you cannot use it again until you take a long rest.

Warped Psionics. Choose one psionic reflex. You are able to use this reflex even if you have no psionic class features. Once you have used this feature you cannot use it again until you take a long rest.

Languages. You can read, sign, speak, and write Common and one other language.