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Zidi Wheatling

Class Fighter ; Level 1; XP (0/0)

Heritage  Halfling ; Culture  Forsaken ;  Background Fey Servant; Destiny  Underdog

Size Small; Speed 30 ft.

Languages Common, Goblin, Primordial, Sylvan

Maneuver DC 13


16 (+3)* 


18 (-1) 


14 (+2)*


10 (+0)


14 (+2)


12 (+1)

  * saving throw proficiency (+2)



Hit Points 12 (Hit dice d10+2)

Fatigue 0; Strife 0

Armor Class 16 (iron hauberk)

Armor Proficiencies all armor



  Bastard SwordMelee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+3 slashing damage, or 1d10+3 slashing damage if wielded in two hands.

  HandaxeMelee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+3 slashing damage.

Combat Maneuvers

Maneuver Save DC 13; Exertion 4/long rest

Adamant Mountain: heavy stance (1st), lean into it (1st)

Mirror’s Glint: leading throw (1st)

Proficiency Bonus (+2)



  • Arcana (fey*)
  • Athletics (throwing*)
  • Insight
  • Intimidation


  • smith's tools

Saving Throws

  • Strength
  • Constitution
* specialty (+1d4)    

Heritage Features


You are immune to the effects of the frightened condition , whether caused by magic or by natural phenomena. You might still feel fear, but you are able to ignore it; alternatively you might be unable to even experience that emotion, and are unable to understand it in others.

Halfling Nimbleness

You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours. 


When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. 

Big Feet

You gain an expertise die on checks and saving throws made to resist being knocked prone. 

Thick Soles

You are immune to damage from sharp terrain hazards (such as caltrops, broken glass, or the spike growth  spell) and ignore difficult terrain caused by them. Additionally, other kinds of difficult terrain reduces your movement speed by 5 feet instead of halving it. 

Culture Features

Fleet of Foot

Your Speed increases by 5 feet. 

Eat Like a Bird

You grew used to eating very little. You can go a number of days equal to half your Constitution modifier without suffering any fatigue from lack of Supply.

Improvised Tools

During a long rest, when you have access to raw materials you can jury-rig an improvised tool kit. If you roll a 1 while making a check using the improvised tools or the next time you take a long rest, they break. 

Pack Rat

You can carry your whole house on your back. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity. 

Roll With the Punches

After you fail an ability check, you have advantage on your next ability check. You can’t use this trait again until after you finish a short or long rest. 


You can speak, read, write, and sign Common, and two additional languages.

Class Features


When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the off-hand attack.


You have the ability to go for the long haul, carrying heavy equipment across long distances. You double your Strength score when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can lift, push, or drag. You may also add your proficiency bonus to the number of hours you can march before you risk fatigue from a forced march.


At 1st level, you gain the ability to use combat maneuvers. You gain proficiency in two combat traditions of your choice. You learn three maneuvers of your choice from traditions you are proficient with.

You gain an exertion pool equal to twice your proficiency bonus, regaining any spent exertion at the end of a short or long rest. You use your maneuvers by spending points from your exertion pool. The Maneuvers Known column of the Fighter table shows when you learn more maneuvers from a tradition you are proficient with, while the Maneuver Degree column shows the highest degree you can select maneuvers from at a given level.

Additionally, whenever you learn a new maneuver, you can choose one of the maneuvers you know and replace it with another maneuver of the same degree from a tradition you are proficient with.

Other Features

Gremlin Curse. You can never gain an expertise die on attacks made using crossbows and other weapons with more than a single moving part, but creatures wielding such a weapon can never gain an expertise die when using it to make attacks against you In addition, you gain an expertise die (+1d4) on ability checks and attack rolls made to destroy objects.


Source of Inspiration

Defiance. You draw inspiration from striking out against oppression, defying long odds, and placing hope in the impossible. You gain inspiration whenever you score a critical hit against a creature larger than you are, roll a natural 20 on a death saving throw, openly defy a powerful being, or succeed after taking a risk with long odds.

Inspiration Feature

A Nose for Trouble. Get kicked around long enough and you start to know when trouble’s brewing. Whenever you or an ally you can see fails an Insight check, you can use your reaction to spend your inspiration and learn any information that would have been gained by a successful Insight check.

Fulfillment Feature

Expendable and Invulnerable. While being kicked around and batted from adventure to adventure, somehow you always seem to scramble out of the rubble. Whenever you would make a saving throw you may spend your inspiration to automatically succeed instead.


Supply 10 (max 16)

Backpack, bedroll, broken pocket watch, hempen rope (50 feet), iron bastard sword, iron hauberk, handaxes (2), mess tin, mosquito netting, smith’s tools, tent, tinderbox, torches (10), traveler’s clothes, waterskin


   Gold 2