You are a seeker of the world’s truths and an expert in your chosen field, with esoteric knowledge at your fingertips, or at the farthest, in a book you vaguely remember.
Why have you left the confines of the library to explore the wider world? Do you seek ancient wisdom? Power? The answer to a specific question? Reinstatement in your former institution?
You lived far from the farms and fields of civilization. You know the beauties and the dangers of the wilderness.
Were you part of a nomadic tribe? A hunter or guide? A lone wanderer or explorer? A guardian of civilization against monsters, or of the old ways against civilization?
You come from a family with hereditary power. Since you’re taking up a life of adventuring, it’s quite likely that you’re a second child or more distant heir with no vast inheritance to look forward to. You’ve got to make your own way in the world with only your years of training from armsmasters and private tutors, your many rich relatives and friends, and your not inconsiderable personal wealth.
How rich and powerful is your noble family? Will the titled head of the family help you out of trouble? What is your family’s coat of arms or heraldic symbol?
Glittering gold holds the promise of luxuries and freedom from want, all wrapped with the exhilarating rush of acquisition. Of the countless people who spend their lives in pursuit of Wealth some are just shrewd, clever, or brave enough to achieve their destiny.
Some people strive towards their destiny while others are dragged there. Those fated to be Underdogs must battle adversity and survive against long odds, gradually growing into the heroes they never sought to become.
Someone or something has wronged you, and even the gods cannot shield them from your retribution. Your burning desire for Revenge fuels your plans and kindles your destiny. Was your ire sparked by a grave misunderstanding, a callous uncaring cruelty, or a wicked and personal transgression?
The trappings of daily life stifle you and the shackles of this mortal coil cannot contain you. People whose destiny is Metamorphosis seek to attain a higher mode of being. Some search for enlightenment but others turn their ambitions even higher, daring to pursue eternal life in the form of a vampire, a lich, a demon, or even a god. What will you sacrifice to walk this path?
You seek the philosopher’s stone, universal truths too vast and terrible for mortal minds to comprehend, or untold secrets hidden away from inquiring minds. Scholars and seekers of Knowledge research and pry, chipping away at their own ignorance until they reveal some fundamental truths of reality.
Some are fated to be the best, the apex, the pinnacle of their craft that all others aspire to. Such perfection demands single-minded determination, unending resolve and focus, and the luck of innate talent. Those destined for Excellence impact the world—often at the cost of countless sacrifices along the way.
An impostor seated on your throne, a land divided by civil strife, a feckless bureaucracy waiting to be gamed. Those with the Dominion destiny look at chaos and see opportunity. Some seek to return to their hand what is rightfully theirs, but others start with nothing and wish to accumulate influence and power however they may. Through shield and steel or cloak and dagger you reach out to claim your rightful seat of power—or a place in its shadows. The Dominion destiny is as varied as politics itself.