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Arcane Mirror

Arcane Mirror

-level (

You choose a mirror you’ve seen on the same plane of existence as you. You create a scrying sensor inside that mirror. You can instead name an area, such as a specific building or city: you create a scrying sensor inside a random mirror within that area. If there is no mirror in the area, the spell fails.

Magic Map

Magic Map

-level (

You create a map with yourself at the center, or update a map previously created with this spell. When creating a map, you choose its scale, from 100 by 100 feet to 100 by 100 miles. As part of the spell, you can make notes or other annotations on the map. The map only includes locations that you’ve seen and traveled through. The map doesn’t show areas at a significantly different elevation from your current location. If you cast the spell while you are lost, the spell fails.

At the Narrator’s discretion, some magical areas can’t be mapped with this spell.

Thunder Bolt

Thunder Bolt

-level (

A peal of thunder ripples from a point you can see within range.

Metabolic Stasis

Metabolic Stasis

-level (

Creatures in the area when the spell is cast no longer age or require sustenance or

Invisible Object

Invisible Object

-level (

A Medium or smaller object becomes

This spell may be cast as a ritual



-level (

If you cast this spell while underground or inside a building, you teleport to the outdoor space you occupied most recently within the last 24 hours. You are teleported whether or not the destination is hazardous.

The spell fails if there is 100 contiguous feet of earth or stone or a thin layer of lead in a direct line between you and the destination.

Dungeon Robber

Dungeon Robber

You seek the treasures of empires long vanished. The world’s dungeons are brimming with lost secrets and artifacts of unimaginable power—and they belong in a museum, or at least in your living room. While others call you a tomb robber, you consider yourself an archaeologist, a collector, or an explorer.

Are you associated with a wizards’ college or institute of higher learning, or are you a private collector? Are you an idealist or a profiteer? What is the one relic or piece of knowledge that you’d trade anything to find?

Deep Hunter

Deep Hunter

You are skilled at hunting monsters in underground environments. You have spent much of your training alone in the dark, honing your senses to pick out the slightest sound or notice the most subtle disturbance in loose sand. You are relentless in your pursuit, for you know the danger your quarry poses.

Are you a guardian of your community, or do you hunt for sport? Do you work alone, or do you hire yourself out as a guide for bored nobles in search of excitement? What monster have you sworn to catch?

Escapee from Below

Escapee from Below

You spent long years captive to an Underland empire, where you grew accustomed to ways that aren’t your own. You are now a stranger to your own people, having replaced their social mores with those you learned while underground. Your bizarre ways mystify them: you don’t wake and sleep with the sun, you eat strange foods, and you often use words and phrases that they’ve never heard.



After a long period of captivity, you returned to the surface and were welcomed with open arms, despite your scars and aged appearance. You’ve resumed the life you left behind, re-establishing old connections. The only problem is, it’s not your life to which you’ve returned—you are an imposter.

Whose identity did you adopt? Did you do so with their blessing, or did you leave them for dead? Might they return one day? If so, whose story will be believed?

Ability Score Increases: +1 to Charisma and one other ability score.