Dancing Feet
Dancing Feet
You cause a musical chord to play and creatures in the area have a sudden urge to dance.
Spellbound Oath
Spellbound Oath
This spell binds two creatures to an agreement spoken as the part of the casting of the spell in a language that both parties understand.
The agreement must include a promise by both parties to do or refrain from doing something specific. The promises do not need to be the same or equal but mustn’t be obviously harmful to either creature. For example, an archfey may promise to restore the freedom of a loved one in exchange for a mortal becoming their emissary.
Fey Tongue
Fey Tongue
You gain a +10 bonus on Insight checks made to understand the meaning of any spoken Sylvan, Elvish or Primordial that you hear, or any written text in those languages that you can touch.
Leila's Devastating Daylight
Leila's Devastating Daylight
Rare spell of
Sufferer's Strike
Sufferer's Strike
Your weapon thrums with the power of your misery. As part of casting this spell, make a melee spell attack against the target. On a hit, you deal your weapon damage plus 2d8 force damage.
Transfer Exhaustion
Transfer Exhaustion
Your touch draws out a creature’s exhaustion.
Transmute Exhaustion
Transmute Exhaustion
All the target creature’s levels of
Sufferer's Pact
Sufferer's Pact
You burn away weakness to reveal inner strength. The target takes 4d8 force damage. Then, at the start of each of its turns, it gains 2d8 temporary hit points.
Reckless March
Reckless March
You suppress exhaustion in your traveling companions. Choose any number of creatures within range when you finish casting this spell.
You attempt to disorient a creature.