Arcane Eye
Arcane Eye
Until the spell ends, you create an
The target’s skin takes on the texture and appearance of bark, increasing its AC to 16 (unless its AC is already higher).
You instantly know the answer to any mathematical equation that you speak aloud. The equation must be a problem that a creature with Intelligence 20 could solve using nonmagical tools with 1 hour of calculation. Additionally, you gain an expertise die on Engineering checks made during the duration of the spell.
Note: Using the calculate cantrip allows a player to make use of a calculator at the table in order to rapidly answer mathematical equations.
Charm Monster
Charm Monster
You only require line of sight to the target (not line of effect) and it has
Charm Person
Charm Person
You only require line of sight to the target (not line of effect) and it has
Comprehend Languages
Comprehend Languages
You gain a +10 bonus on Insight checks made to understand the meaning of any spoken language that you hear, or any written language that you can touch. Typically interpreting an unknown language is a DC 20 check, but the Narrator may use DC 15 for a language closely related to one you know, DC 25 for a language that is particularly unfamiliar or ancient, or DC 30 for a lost or dead language. This spell doesn’t uncover secret messages or decode cyphers, and it does not assist in uncovering lies.
Conjure Animals
Conjure Animals
You summon forth the spirit of a beast that takes the physical form of your choosing in unoccupied spaces you can see.
Choose one of the following:
Conjure Celestial
Conjure Celestial
You summon a creature from the realms celestial.
Conjure Elemental
Conjure Elemental
You summon a creature from the Elemental Planes. This creature uses the statistics of a conjured elemental creature (detailed below) with certain traits determined by your choice of its type: air, earth, fire, or water.
The creature is friendly to you and your companions and takes its turn immediately after yours. It obeys your verbal commands. Without such commands, the creature only defends itself.
Conjure Fey
Conjure Fey
You summon a creature from the Dreaming. This creature uses the statistics of a fey creature (detailed below) with certain traits determined by your choice of its type: hag, hound, or redcap.
The creature is friendly to you and your companions and takes its turn immediately after yours. It obeys your verbal commands. Without such commands, the creature only defends itself.