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You teleport to any unoccupied place you can see within range. As a reaction to any bonus action or free action you take when you arrive, you can teleport again, as long as the combined distance traveled does not exceed 500 feet.

You can bring along objects if their weight doesn’t exceed what you can carry.




You teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within range.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to teleport twice this turn and take your action in between as long as the total distance traveled does not exceed 30 feet.

Summon Object

Summon Object


You teleport an object to your hand. You must have designated the object as the target of your summoning by holding it and imbuing it with psionic energy before leaving it. You may only have one designated object at a time.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to summon the object from a distance of up to 10 miles; +2 psionic points to summon the object from any location on the same planet [requires power rating III]; +3 psionic points to summon the object from any location in the same star system [requires power rating IV].

Slow Time

Slow Time

Concentration ()

You slow down time for yourself. For the duration of the power you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain one additional action on your turn
  • All attacks have disadvantage to hit you
  • You make all saving throws with advantage
  • Your Speed increases by +10 ft.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to increase your Speed by +20 ft. instead, or +2 psionic points to increase it by +30 ft. Additionally, you can spend +2 psionic points to make all attacks with advantage [requires power rating V].

Redirection Portal

Redirection Portal


You create a pair of tiny space-time portals which intercept a moving missile or energy attack and redirect it in another direction. As a reaction, select one ranged attack whose target is within range of the power and make a ranged psionic attack. The attack is redirected at any other target within the power’s range, using your ranged psionic attack as the attack roll.



Concentration ()

You create a portal through space to a location you can see within range. While the portal remains in place, any creatures or objects of Large size or smaller can pass through it in either direction, appearing at the other end of the portal.

Point Singularity

Point Singularity

Concentration ()

You create a singularity–a miniature black hole–which remains in the target square for the power’s duration.

Any object or creature which begins its turn in that square and which is able to move makes a Strength saving throw. On a failure, or if it is unable to move, the creature or object takes 10d12 bludgeoning damage and is restrained until the start of its next turn; on a successful saving throw it moves into an adjacent square and is not restrained.

Fold Space

Fold Space


The target, along with all creatures and objects contained therein, is instantly transported to an unoccupied space at a location you have been to before on the same planet.

At power rating VII you can target a space vehicle you are on board and fold space to any planetary system you have been to before. You arrive near that destination in an unoccupied location chosen by the Narrator, typically in orbit of a specific planet, moon, or other satellite.




You instantly teleport to an adjacent space you can see when targeted by an attack that you are aware of. If the attack can still hit you, it proceeds as normal; otherwise it misses.

Bend Space

Bend Space


You distort the fabric of space around you, making it appear that you are somewhere you are not. When you are targeted by an attack, you can use your reaction to manifest this power and gain +1 to your armor class for the purposes of that attack.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to increase your AC bonus to +2, or +2 psionic points to increase it to +3.