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Psychic Barrier

Psychic Barrier

Concentration ()

You create a psychic barrier which blocks extrasensory intrusion. While the power remains active, no clairsentience power can view, sense, or detect the area covered.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to put the barrier in place for the duration of a long rest [requires power rating IV].

Psychic Touch

Psychic Touch


You sense the presence of psychic energies and psionic activities within an object or creature you can touch. You automatically know if the creature or object has been psychically altered or imbued with psychic energy.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to determine the psionic discipline the creature or object has been imbued with.

Psionic Reflection

Psionic Reflection


You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of manifesting a psychic power, redirecting it at a target of your choosing. The power’s level must be less than your power rating. Make a manifesting ability check (DC 10 + the power’s level). On a success, you can choose a new target for the creature’s power within the power’s range.

If the creature spent any surge points to manifest its power, you must spend an equivalent number of points to reflect it, otherwise this power fails.

Psionic Disruption

Psionic Disruption


You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of manifesting a psychic power, dissipating the energy used. If the power’s level is greater than your power rating, the psionic disruption fails and has no effect. If the power’s level is equal to or less than your power rating, make a manifesting ability check (DC 10 + the power’s level). On a success, the creature’s power fails and has no effect.



Concentration ()

You target a creature within range and overtax its psyche. The target makes an Intelligence saving throw or suffers the enervated condition until the end of your next turn. If the target is able to use psionic powers, it can make a manifesting ability saving throw instead.

Drain Power

Drain Power


Make a melee psionic attack against an adjacent creature. On a success you reduce that creature’s current psionic points total by 1d4+1 psionic points.

If the target has no psionic points, this power has no effect.

Block Psionics

Block Psionics

Concentration ()

You block psionic powers which would otherwise affect you. When you are the target of a psionic power of Power Level IV or below, you may choose to have the power not affect you. This does not prevent the power affecting your surroundings or allies.

If a psionic power is already affecting you when you manifest this power, the effects are temporarily suppressed until this power ends, at which point any effects resume as normal.