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Psionic Disruption

Power Level
Power Manifestation Time

You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of manifesting a psychic power, dissipating the energy used. If the power’s level is greater than your power rating, the psionic disruption fails and has no effect. If the power’s level is equal to or less than your power rating, make a manifesting ability check (DC 10 + the power’s level). On a success, the creature’s power fails and has no effect. The creature can use its reaction to try to refocus their psychic energy and use another power with the same manifestation time, so long as it is of a power level equal to or less than half that of the original power.

If the creature spent any surge points to manifest its power, you must spend an equivalent number of surge points to disrupt it.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to use your action to psionically disrupt a power that has already been manifested [requires power rating IV]; +1–4 psionic points to reduce the DC of the manifesting ability check by 1 per point spent [requires power rating equal to 2 + the number of points spent).