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Quantum Slip

Quantum Slip

( points)

You use irregularities in the space-time continuum to continuously jink your ship, making it impossible to target you. Until the start of your next turn, when an attack would hit your starfighter, it misses instead, and when you would fail a saving throw, you succeed instead.

Trust Your Instincts

Trust Your Instincts

( points)

Dispensing with targeting systems and electronic aids, you focus your mind and make an attack out of pure instinct. Your next attack with a starfighter weapon before the start of your next turn automatically hits its target.

Trench Run

Trench Run

( points)

You fly dangerously close to avoid the guns firing above you and line up a perfect shot, but doing so puts you right in the crosshairs of the close range guns.

You may only perform this starship maneuver while operating in a combat zone surrounding a capital ship. Until the end of your next turn, any attacks that target you have disadvantage, and you have disadvantage on saving throws against weapons with the anti-starfighter property.

Hit the Brakes

Hit the Brakes

( points)

You suddenly decelerate, causing your foe to fly past you and into your gunsights.

Choose another starfighter operating in the same combat zone which has locked on to you. The starfighter makes a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, you make an attack against the target.

Ace Maneuvering

Ace Maneuvering

( points)

You pull a maneuver either too brilliant or foolhardy for your tail to predict—putting them in your crosshairs.

One starfighter of your choice currently locked on to you makes a Wisdom saving throw or its lock on you is broken and you lock on to it instead. While locked on to a target you have advantage on attacks made against it. This lock on ends if you attack a different target or attempt to lock on to a different target.

Pull Up

Pull Up

( points)

Suddenly the empty space in front of you is occupied and you desperately try to pull your ship out of a collision course!

When you fail a saving throw to avoid a collision or attempted ramming, use your reaction to reroll the failed saving throw, taking the new result.

Stealth Formation

Stealth Formation

( points)

You mask each other’s energy signatures and try to fly under the radar.

Starfighter pilots in this formation gain an expertise die on Stealth checks.

Interceptor Formation

Interceptor Formation

( points)

You and your wingmen corral your targets to keep them from escaping.

Whenever you successfully lock on to a starfighter, any other ships in the formation can use their reaction to lock on to that same target. While locked on ships in the formation have advantage on attacks against it. If you lose the lock on a target other ships in the formation lose that lock as well.

Dive Bomb

Dive Bomb

( points)

Throwing personal safety by the wayside, you dive directly at your target to ensure the hit regardless of what little time there is to pull away afterward.

Make an attack with advantage against a target in the same combat zone. After the attack make a DC 15 Strength or Dexterity saving throw (your choice). On a failed save you ram the target of your attack (see Star Captain's Manual) unless your target can successfully save to avoid you.

Targeted Fire

Targeted Fire

( points)

Lining up the shots, you carefully pick out your target along a ship’s massive frame.