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Sympathetic Heart Stop

Sympathetic Heart Stop

( points)

By first aligning with then clashing violently against the exact rhythm of your opponent’s movements, breath, and even heartbeat, your physical touch interrupts their life force.

Starfield Vision

Starfield Vision

( points)

While aboard a capital ship, you can recognize patterns and strategies, then intuit and perform actions that could dynamically tilt the battle in your favor.

Tactical Retreat

Tactical Retreat

( points)

When you realize an expedient exit is needed (perhaps due to the arrival of enemy reinforcements), you can quickly identify the best route and create the space for you and your allies to make a hasty escape.

You use your reaction to make a Wisdom (Deception) check opposed by an enemy’s passive Perception. On a success, you and allies within 30 feet (or within the same region during a space battle) can take the Disengage action and move up to twice your Speed (or engage your FTL engines) without invoking an opportunity attack.

Pilot’s Trance Stance

Pilot’s Trance Stance

( points)

You put your game face on as you strap into the pilot’s seat.

While piloting a vehicle:

Kinesthetic Geometry

Kinesthetic Geometry

( points)

You instinctively identify and leverage the perfect angles and impact points for throwing your weapon.

Psychosomatic Encouragement

Psychosomatic Encouragement

( points)

You can uplift an ally’s spirits and boost their endurance.

Select a friendly target that can see, hear, feel, or otherwise sense your presence. You impart the target with temporary hit points equal to 1d6 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier (minimum 0).

Calculated Trajectory

Calculated Trajectory

( points)

You instantly calculate and adjust your aim.

When you make a ranged weapon attack, you can use your reaction to gain an expertise die on the attack roll. If the weapon is a light or medium caster, a pistol, or a rifle, you can forgo the expertise die to instead ignore half or three-quarters cover.

Assess Defenses

Assess Defenses

( points)

A quick scan reveals weaknesses you can exploit.

You can use a bonus action to gain advantage on all attack rolls made during an Attack action you take on the same turn.

Thoughtful Assistance

Thoughtful Assistance

( points)

You have a level of awareness and the presence of mind to support an ally in need.

You take the Help action.

Martial Alacrity

Martial Alacrity

( points)

With a little quick thinking on your feet, you can adjust your attack strategy to find additional ways to hit an opponent.

When you activate this maneuver, you take the Attack action and make a weapon attack, as well as any additional attacks granted by Extra Attack. Immediately after, you can make two unarmed strikes against the target of your last attack.