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Shock Mace (Medium Maul; Shock)

Shock Mace (Medium Maul; Shock)

A medium-sized weapon consisting of a handle ending with a ball or other shaped head. The head is electrified.

Combat Chainsaw (Special)

Combat Chainsaw (Special)

Unlike the tools designed for industry or personal use, combat chainsaws are meant for war. When you make a damage roll with the weapon, if either of the dice result in a 4, you can roll an additional d4 and add the result to the total damage dealt.

Heavy (STR 13+)

Hooked Hammer

Hooked Hammer

(Gnomish) This uses the statistics of a small

Mercurial maul

Mercurial maul

The liquid metal inside of the shaft and head of this weapon makes it difficult to wield but all the deadlier in expert hands. The minimum result on a damage die rolled with this weapon is a 2.