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Longspear (Heavy Polearm)

Longspear (Heavy Polearm)

A basic weapon, the longspear is a simple duranium shaft tipped with a pointed blade.


Combat Chainsaw (Special)

Combat Chainsaw (Special)

Unlike the tools designed for industry or personal use, combat chainsaws are meant for war. When you make a damage roll with the weapon, if either of the dice result in a 4, you can roll an additional d4 and add the result to the total damage dealt.

Heavy (STR 13+)



(Dwarven) This weapon functions as a



(Halfling) This weapon can be used as a



(Japanese) This is a sickle on a chain.



(Scottish) This cross-hilted weapon uses the statistics of a

Ratcheting crossbow

Ratcheting crossbow

This crossbow has a large winding wheel affixed to its drawstring which feeds into extra machinery along the stock that catches and pulls the string back again after it is fired. Winding a ratcheting crossbow for a single bolt requires a bonus action or action, and it can be wound to prepare two bolts. Masterwork ratcheting crossbows can be prepared to fire up to four bolts, or be constructed smaller (with statistics like a hand crossbow).