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Stun Stick

Stun Stick

These hand-held devices deliver a powerful electric current that temporarily disrupts the target’s neuromuscular autonomy. A target damaged by a stun stick makes a Constitution saving throw against your maneuver save DC. On a failed save, the target is knocked prone and rattled until the end of your next turn. 
A target that fails the saving throw by 5 or more is stunned instead of rattled.

Mono-Whip (Special)

Mono-Whip (Special)

Spools of monomolecular wire affixed to a thin handle, mono-whips slice neatly through organic and inorganic matter alike.

Reach (15 ft)

Combat Chainsaw (Special)

Combat Chainsaw (Special)

Unlike the tools designed for industry or personal use, combat chainsaws are meant for war. When you make a damage roll with the weapon, if either of the dice result in a 4, you can roll an additional d4 and add the result to the total damage dealt.

Heavy (STR 13+)