Geared slingshot
Geared slingshot
Constructed much like a crossbow, this shoulder-mounted weapon bears a striking resemblance to a miniature catapult. It is typically used to fire hand-sized rocks but any Tiny object can be used as ammunition instead.
Mercurial maul
Mercurial maul
The liquid metal inside of the shaft and head of this weapon makes it difficult to wield but all the deadlier in expert hands. The minimum result on a damage die rolled with this weapon is a 2.
Spiked chain
Spiked chain
Double weapon
Double weapon
Wielded not unlike a quarterstaff, each side of this weapon has a blade, weighted head, or other injurious implement. Most double weapons are two-bladed swords or double-axes, but there have been gnome warriors known to wield hooked hammers and elvish clades specialized in swordspears. Double weapons use the statistics for whichever weapon is used to attack and are considered to have the dual-wielding and parrying properties.
When wielding a garrotte, you may make a melee weapon attack at disadvantage against a Large or smaller creature that requires air to breathe. On a hit, the creature is grappled and begins to suffocate.