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Blazing Pursuit

Blazing Pursuit

( points)

If a creature moves out of your reach, you may expend your reaction to move in the same direction up to 20 feet and make a single melee attack against the creature if they are within your reach.

Fortifying Reassurance

Fortifying Reassurance

( points)

If you are within 20 feet when your animal companion is hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to call out and help it regain its fighting spirit. As long as it is able to hear you, your animal companion regains hit points equal to your level.

Bring the Mighty Low

Bring the Mighty Low

( points)

When a creature of up to one size category larger than your animal companion makes a melee attack against it, you command your animal companion to respond by harrying the attacker’s movements.

Warning Cry

Warning Cry

( points)

When a creature makes a weapon attack against your animal companion, your warning causes your companion to shift position, gaining a bonus to AC equal to your proficiency bonus and possibly turning a hit into a miss.

Quick Switch

Quick Switch

( points)

You command your animal companion to switch places with a creature within 5 feet of it.

Get Back!

Get Back!

( points)

When a creature successfully damages your animal companion, you order it to retreat. As long as it can hear you, your companion moves up to its Speed toward you in the most direct course it is able to, stopping at the end of its movement or when you are between it and the creature that injured it (whichever comes first).

Tidal Parry

Tidal Parry

( points)

An expert parry turns a hit into a miss.

First Blood

First Blood

( points)

You react and attack quicker than the eye can see.

After rolling initiative, you can use your reaction to treat your initiative as if you had rolled a critical success.


Disarming Counter

Disarming Counter

( points)

With expert timing you apply just the right amount of force to send an opponent’s weapon flying just as they strike.