Magic Weapon
Magic Weapon
Until the spell ends, the target becomes +1 magic weapon.
You repair a single rip or break in the target object (for example, a cracked goblet, torn page, or ripped robe). The break must be smaller than 1 foot in all dimensions. The spell leaves no trace that the object was damaged.
Magic items and constructs may be repaired in this way, but their magic is not restored.
You gain an expertise die on maintenance checks if you are able to cast this spell on the item you are treating.
Mental Grip
Mental Grip
You conjure extensions of your own mental fortitude to keep your foes at bay.
You point and whisper your message at the target. It alone hears the message and may reply in a whisper audible only to you.
You can cast this spell through solid objects if you are familiar with the target and are certain it is beyond the barrier. The message is blocked by 3 feet of wood, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metals, or a thin sheet of lead.
The spell moves freely around corners or through openings.
Protection from Evil and Good
Protection from Evil and Good
The target is protected against the following types of creatures: aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead.
Protection from Poison
Protection from Poison
The target has
Purify Food and Drink
Purify Food and Drink
You remove all
Raise Dead
Raise Dead
You return the target to life, provided its soul is willing and able to return to its body. The creature returns to life with 1 hit point. The spell cannot return an undead creature to life.
Remove Curse
Remove Curse
This spell ends a
The target gains an expertise die to one