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Magic Items

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Rarity Category Subcategory Cost (gp) Tags Source
Ammunition +1 Uncommon Weapon 500 Trials & Treasures
Ammunition +2 Rare Weapon 2,000 Trials & Treasures
Ammunition +3 Very Rare Weapon 8,000 Trials & Treasures
Ancient Broom Artifact Weapon Other Priceless Attunement, Sentient Trials & Treasures
Ancient Orcs' Blade +1 Rare Weapon 5,000 Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Ancient Orcs' Blade +2 Very Rare Weapon 25,000 Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Ancient Orcs' Blade +3 Legendary Weapon 100,000 Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Angurvadal, the Stream of Anguish Very Rare Weapon 20,000 Attunement, Charges Gate Pass Gazette
Arrow of Slaying Very Rare Weapon 8,000 Trials & Treasures
Asi Legendary Weapon 140,000 Attunement, Sentient Mythological Figures & Maleficent Monsters
Axe of Chilling Fear Rare Weapon 1,200 Attunement, Cursed Gate Pass Gazette
Badger Weapon Uncommon Weapon 500 Attunement Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Berserker Axe Rare Weapon 600 Attunement, Cursed Trials & Treasures
Black Axe (Weapon) Rare Weapon 2,000 Attunement, Cursed To Save A Kingdom
Bow of the Viper Rare Weapon 3,200 Charges Gate Pass Gazette
Cipher Sword Very Rare Weapon 18,750 Attunement, Cursed Gate Pass Gazette
Dagger of Venom Rare Weapon Other 2,500 Trials & Treasures
Dancing Sword Very Rare Weapon Other 8,000 Attunement Trials & Treasures
Dark Stone Uncommon Weapon 100 Dungeon Delver's Guide
Defender Legendary Weapon Other 60,000 Attunement Trials & Treasures
Demonic Weapon +2 Uncommon Weapon 101 Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Demonic Weapon +3 Rare Weapon 501 Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Demonic Weapon +4 Very Rare Weapon 5,001 Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Diamond-Encrusted Piece +1 Uncommon Weapon 500 Attunement Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Diamond-Encrusted Piece +2 Rare Weapon 5,000 Attunement Adventures in ZEITGEIST