Vekeshi Blade +3
Vekeshi Blade +3
(cost gp)
Vekeshi Blade +2
Vekeshi Blade +2
(cost gp)
Razorburst Weapon +3
Razorburst Weapon +3
(cost gp)
Portable Wayfarer's Lantern
Portable Wayfarer's Lantern
(cost gp)
Netherkinetic Orb +3
Netherkinetic Orb +3
(cost gp)
Mavishan Cube
Mavishan Cube
(cost gp)
Malice Ring of Couture +3
Malice Ring of Couture +3
(cost gp)
Malice Ring of Couture +2
Malice Ring of Couture +2
(cost gp)
Malice Focus +3
Malice Focus +3
(cost gp)
Hurricane Violin
Hurricane Violin
(cost gp)