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Villager Cultural Gear

Villager Cultural Gear

Villagers tend to live an isolated existence, but
they have a community to rely upon rather
than just themselves. However, because the
community is small, hard work is an important
facet of daily life, with community members
each having their own critical role to play in the
survival and flourishing of the whole.


Settler Cultural Gear

Settler Cultural Gear

Tasked (perhaps by themselves) with taming a frontier of some kind, settlers are gritty, pragmatic…and often a bit paranoid. These folk must rely upon themselves and perhaps their neighbors even in dire circumstances, and the frontiers where they make their homes have a variety of dangers—potentially including other settlers. They are therefore often concerned with security and emergency measures..


Collegiate Cultural Gear

Collegiate Cultural Gear

Many collegiate societies revolve around a university campus and even the exceptions have developed specialized equipment for speeding the acquisition, distribution and protection of knowledge as well as the comfort of the scholars who produce it.

Table: Collegiate Cultural Gear


Imperial Cultural Gear

Imperial Cultural Gear

The great advantage of an Imperial society is the ability to do things like infrastructure at scale, freeing up citizens of the empire to specialize. But that scale also typically comes with bureaucratic hierarchy, need for communication, and the drafting of residents to help during times of trouble.

Shade Collector

Shade Collector

Druids who wield shadow, shade, and the nature of the Bleak Gate



Druids inspired by the fey, the wild, and the Dreaming itself



The tangle of bridges is a loose and evershifting thing, a burgeoning society built from emergent intellect and ancient ancestral claims, all developing just underfoot. Trolls have always staked out their territories, vying for the best hunting grounds or hollows under the most traveled pathways. Over time these territories have become a network of lairs, communities, and markets, and the routes between them, collectively known as the Underbridge.



Trollkin are smaller and much smarter than the average troll, though they still keep the horns, colors, and often the strange mutations of their larger kin. Far from monstrous, trollkin can adapt to modern societies far faster than anyone would’ve credited the bogeymen from old fairy tales. Despite this integration, however, trollkin carry with them their tangle of bridges, their culture, and a place in the network of hardfought territories that flourish below the feet of civilization.